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Colt Pistol Labels

Colt Pistol Labels
Colt Pistol Labels

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Colt Pistol Labels

Model Number: DCW334
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Your Price: $1.00
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  • Description

Colt Pistol Labels - Reproductions of original found in the Time-Live Civil War series.

5 replies on “Our Store”

I have a question I need labels for a 1859 Sharps it is a 54 caliber . I notice your labels say 52/100 caliber am I missing somthing


The Sharps labels are copies of the labels found in Echoes of Glory, Arms and Equipment of the Union page 46. Since I print all my labels, I can put 54 on there if you wish. Just mention it in the comments when you order the labels. Thanks for asking. Bob


The Sharps rifles at the time were 52 caliber. The modern reproductions are 54 to match modern made ammo.