Various Songsheets

Various Song Sheets We offer facsimile song sheets of popular songs of the Civil War era. These song sheets include the cover illustration and sheet music. Titles include \”Dixie\”; \”Battle Hymn of the Republic\”; \”Maryland My Maryland\”; \”Just Before the Battle Mother\”; \”Bonnie Blue Flag\”; \”Weeping Sad and Lonely\”; \”Kingdom Coming\”; \”Marching Through Georgia\”; \”When Johnny Comes Marching Home\”; \”Battle Cry of Freedom\” and \”Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!\”. Select any 4 for $5 and please note the 4 titles you want in the Customer Notes section when you order.

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Various Songsheets

Various Songsheets
Various Songsheets

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Various Songsheets

Model Number: DCW301
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  • Description

Various Song Sheets We offer facsimile song sheets of popular songs of the Civil War era. These song sheets include the cover illustration and sheet music. Titles include "Dixie"; "Battle Hymn of the Republic"; "Maryland My Maryland"; "Just Before the Battle Mother"; "Bonnie Blue Flag"; "Weeping Sad and Lonely"; "Kingdom Coming"; "Marching Through Georgia"; "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"; "Battle Cry of Freedom" and "Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!". Select any 4 for $5 and please note the 4 titles you want in the Customer Notes section when you order.