Traitor – Benedict Arnold documents

In 1778, the British evacuated Philadelphia, As the Continentals retook control of the city, Benedict Arnold, recuperating from his wounds at Saratoga, was named military governor.  Arnold, not a rich man, used his power as military governor to supplement his income, as he felt he was owed back pay by Congress. His style angered many Pennsylvanians, and led to the committee governing the area to censure him. This rebuke was upheld by Washington, and helped cause the hard feelings which led to his changing sides in 1780. After he became a Brigadier General in the British army, he was given authority to raise a legion of troops.

These two documents, paired together, help tell Arnold’s story.

  • Public Censure of Arnold – This document, issued by the Pennsylvania Council, lays out the specific charges levied against Arnold .
  • Arnold Raises a Legion – This proclamation, infused with bitterness and anger towards the United States, was issued by Arnold in 1780 when he was raising his legion of troops.

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Traitor - Benedict Arnold documents

Traitor - Benedict Arnold documents
Traitor - Benedict Arnold documents

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Traitor - Benedict Arnold documents

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In 1778, the British evacuated Philadelphia, As the Continentals retook control of the city, Benedict Arnold, recuperating from his wounds at Saratoga, was named military governor.  Arnold, not a rich man, used his power as military governor to supplement his income, as he felt he was owed back pay by Congress. His style angered many Pennsylvanians, and led to the committee governing the area to censure him. This rebuke was upheld by Washington, and helped cause the hard feelings which led to his changing sides in 1780. After he became a Brigadier General in the British army, he was given authority to raise a legion of troops.

These two documents, paired together, help tell Arnold’s story.

  • Public Censure of Arnold – This document, issued by the Pennsylvania Council, lays out the specific charges levied against Arnold .
  • Arnold Raises a Legion – This proclamation, infused with bitterness and anger towards the United States, was issued by Arnold in 1780 when he was raising his legion of troops.