The Second Virginia Regiment, commanded by Colonel Christian Febiger, was inspected on May 25, 1779. The regiment was somewhere in the New York area at the time. The Second Virginia wasn’t inspected that day by just anyone, but by the Inspector General Friedrich Wilhelm Steuben himself. On that day, there were7 officers, 6 staff, 20 non-commissioned officers, 10 musicians, and 224 privates. According to the Inspector General’s report, the regiment was 280 men short of a full compliment. The men polished their weapons, cleaned up their equipment, and presented themselves as best as they could. So, how did they do? At the bottom of the report is written, “Arms, in good order, 51 stands missing.” “Accouterments – in good order.” “Cloathing – very bad.”

So how bad DOES your clothing have to be, to earn the words: Very bad?