Civil War

6/11 – A Draft Notice

In the Summer of 1862, the United States government closed down the recruiting offices, deciding that there were enough men in military service and no more would be needed. In early 1863, the government came to the realization that many of the men who enlisted early would be mustering out in 1863. War weariness had begun to set in, and fewer men were “answering the call.”

In March of 1863, the United States enacted a national draft. the draft proved to be very unpopular. One of the ways a man could avoid the draft was to produce a substitute (for a fee). Another way was to provide a medical reason to avoid military service.

On September 27, 1864, Zenas Delong, of Union Township in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, was drafted. Zenas DeLong was born in 1819, making him 45 years old at the time he was drafted. Zenas was able to obtain such an exemption in October by reason of “being over age”. Below is Zenas’ s draft notice, and his exemption certificate. From my collection.